Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Here's a great article I found by Kurt Johnston, Jr. High Pastor @ Saddleback Church. I shared it with my leadership team and wanted to pass it along to you.

feeling inadequate
kurt johnston
Conner's dad, John, was in his final weeks of a long battle with cancer. Knowing that her 7th grade son was having a hard time recognizing the severity of the situation, Conner's mom asked if I'd be willing to come by on Thursday night to shoot some hoops with him and begin to help prepare him for what was on the horizon.
By the time I got to the house that night, things had suddenly changed. I was greeted at the front door by a friend who shared that John was really struggling and would likely pass away any minute. I'm sure many of you would have viewed this as an incredible opportunity to minister to Conner and his family in a moment of intense need and would have been able to shift into 'Super Pastor' mode, but I couldn't. Instead I became 'Super Wimp'. What do I say? How do I pray? What happens when he dies on the couch and everybody looks to me?
We spent the next half hour or so praying together, holding John's hand, singing and crying. I didn't say a whole lot and really didn't need to. John's entire small group was there and the body of Christ was operating in the way it should sharing life when life is at it's worst.
Not long after I arrived, Conner's dad passed away. We prayed again, I hugged Conner and his sister, spent a few minutes with the family and went home. On the way home I was feeling a bit inadequate. Did I say the right stuff? Did I need to stay longer? Should I have prayed for healing? At that moment I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me that he doesn't need 'Super Kurt', he just needs Kurt. He wants me to be the man he's created me to be and to rely on Him when ministry seems bigger than my gifts.
If it hasn't happened yet, it will. You will be thrown into a situation that feels too big. You will feel like Super Wimp instead of Super Pastor. That's okay. God doesn't need a bunch of Super Pastors. He just needs a bunch of guys and gals like you and me who are willing to trust him in the middle of our inadequacies.

If you're like me, you feel this way alot more than not. When I get in situations on a daily basis and I feel this way, it is at that point that I believe God has me right where he wants me-totally dependent upon Him, which is the best place we could ever be. In times of inadequacy, remember God has equipped us to accomplish what He desires. Hope you have a great Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

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