Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What does it mean to say that in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself?

Since the beginning of time, man has been trying to save himself from himself and has failed miserably in the attempt. Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, we as humans have been trying to get back to that state of perfection and knowledge that once existed in the heart of man. How do we get beyond our own depravity? How do we rise above the failed state in which we live? How do we get back to the Garden? How do we become reconciled with the God that created us and desires relationship with us? In looking at these questions, it requires us to formulate our answers based upon one concept: The Work of Christ. In dealing with the work of Christ, we must first look at who we are and the sin state that we are in as humans. Then, we must find the ultimate and final answer in who Jesus is and what He has done and is doing for us.
So, we begin our journey by first looking at who we are as humans and the hopeless state of sin in which we exist. From the beginning of life every human being is born as a fallen creature with the tendency towards sin and depravity. Romans 3:23 says, “...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” As humans, we come into this world with the nature of sin and being drawn towards the things that are in opposition to God and a relationship with Him. But it is in that depravity that one finds their need for reconciliation with the God that created them and loves them.
In the life of every human we see that “from the first moment of our lives, human beings are dependent creatures. Just as we are dependent on God for the physical necessities of life, we are also spiritually helpless.” It is in that state of spiritual helplessness that every human being finds themselves, and it is in that same state that Christ becomes the reconciliation between mankind and God. In Romans 5:8, it says that “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Was there any other way for God to reconcile mankind to Himself? Grudem says that “once God, in His love, decided to save human beings, then several passages in Scripture indicate that there was no other way for God to do this than through the death of His Son.” D.M. Baillie says that “the crucifixion of Jesus set men thinking more than anything else that has ever happened in the life of the human race.” When one looks at this horrific event that changed the course of history; and has the potential to change the lives of all humanity, “it makes them think of the redeeming love of God. Not simply of the love of Jesus, but of the love of God.” So one can see that because of the depravity of mankind, it was necessary for Christ to be the sacrifice that reconciled God and man once and for all.
Which leads us to the second question that must be answered concerning the Work of Christ: Who is Jesus and what has He done and is continuing to do for us? Because of the depravity of mankind and the holiness of God, a sacrifice was required. This sacrifice was to temporarily atone for the sins of the people therefore having to be repeated on a regular basis to appease the wrath of a Holy God. For a depraved human race to be completely and permanently reconciled to a Holy God there must be a sacrifice that would satisfy permanently. This sacrifice would only come through the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Scripture points to the reason for this sacrifice in John 3:16. The love of God is an evident reason for Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, “but the justice of God also required that God find a way that the penalty due to us for our sins would be paid (for He could not accept us into fellowship with Himself unless the penalty was paid).” D.M. Baillie says that “In discoursing of the love that was shown in the Cross of Christ the New Testament is never able to stop short of tracing it up-stream to the eternal love of God dealing sacrificially with the sins of the world.”
Not only is there the sacrifice that Jesus made upon the cross, but the atonement for the sins of mankind also include “the work Christ did in His life to earn our salvation.” Not only was there the pain of the sacrifice on the cross that Christ endured, but according to Grudem “Christ had to live a life of perfect obedience to God in order to earn righteousness for us.” Christ’s life of obedience to God the Father sets the example for us and lays the foundation for the faith we have in Jesus Christ.
Included in what Christ has done for us beyond his obedience and death is His resurrection. Jesus’ resurrection was not one like the others recorded in the Bible. Jesus’ resurrection was one that set Him apart from any other person in human history.
So, what is the result of the Work of Christ and what He has done? The result is in what He is doing in reconciliation through the salvation of a human race who cannot save themselves, and the sanctification of those saved is “the progressive work of the Holy Spirit by which the believer is set apart to God’s purposes and moves into Christian maturity.” This is the Work of Christ.

Enjoy the Journey,

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